IBS First Line Dietary Advice.
Dietary advice for IBS can be overwhelming and information on the internet can often appear conflicting and confusing. This free patient webinar by Marianne will give you accurate and reliable first line dietary advice for IBS so that you can feel confident that you have the most up-to-date researched information to help treat your IBS symptoms. Making the changes suggested in this free video may mean that you can avoid more complex dietary interventions such as the Low FODMAP Diet.
If first line IBS advice does not work then the Low FODMAP Diet may be helpful…
If you are unable to access a specialist dietitian or simply wish to access accurate and reliable guidance, then Marianne has produced a comprehensive set of bite-sized videos that will take you through the 3-step low FODMAP diet in order to help you effectively manage your IBS symptoms. Using the latest information from King’s College London, for £25 you will have unlimited access to all FODMAP videos and handouts with lists of suitable & unsuitable foods and information on FODMAP reintroduction.